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7 Stories Of How People Met Their True Love

Awww… These 6 reddit users share that quirky, sweet, puny, unexpected moment when they first met “the one:” Read on….
1. Thank you, car problems
“We met a few months ago, but then lost contact. I was getting on a bus home after a 12 hour health care shift and he was on the same bus. He came up to me and we chatted and he said he couldn’t find me on Facebook. I realized that he may actually like me, so that evening I got his number and messaged him. Turns out we had both been interested in each other since the first day we met. We were also really lucky that he was on that bus that day, otherwise we probably wouldn’t have met again. He usually drives but his car broke down which was why he was on the bus. Thanks, car!”
2. In chemistry class, obviously
“We had general chemistry together. She mistakenly thought I seemed smart because I was funny so she chose me as her lab partner. Fell in love the moment I saw her. A year later, she fell in love with me even after she realized I wasn’t the smartest.”
3. Brush, floss, laugh, repeat
“She was my dentist (still is) and the owner of the clinic she worked in at the time said he got awkward looks from other patients when they would hear how much we made each other laugh.”
4. That fateful day
“One day, I was walking around a crowded mall. I quickly walked past a shop window and saw a glimpse of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was dazed to say the least and double backed to that shop, eager for just another look. It was my own reflection in the glass.
And I never looked back.
Just kidding, I met my wonderful wife at a friend’s party and she’s a treasure.”
5. Awwwwww
“[We met] at a camp to help with depression and anxiety. The first day she walked in the door, my heart skipped a beat. We’ve been together four years and I couldn’t imagine anybody else.”
6. Random objects for the win
“I am actually marrying her today after seven years of being together but we first met at work in a restaurant. I was a sous chef at the time and she was the hostess. We had an open line kitchen and the hostess desk was about 10 yards or so away. To get her attention when it was slow I would throw random small things at her across the line.”
7. It’s Now Your Turn Guys!!! Share your own story below too… Lets keep it fun and dont be shy plz! lolx

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