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Down load 3 songs of Shide Sunday Jp || Hallelujah “The way Out” , Yesu ne mai Ta aziya, Jehovah is the mighty God

    People often come to the presence of God with prayer requests and strange attitude I termed as “I NEED!!! I NEED!!! RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD”
God inspired me to compose this musical track Title(Halleluiah “The Way-Out” Medley) that will encourage believers to uphold the attitude of praising God more than always embarking on “I NEED!!! I NEED!!! RELATIONSHIP”. 
This track will encourage you to believe thatGod will grant all your desires; therefore, the need to embrace praising and thanking Him than only asking Him should be our major priority.

This musical track: Jehovah is The Mighty God (Jehovah Praise) was given to me to seal a great testimony and believing to extent the same to as many that listing to the track and believe God.
God after surprising me with a lot of testimonies opened my eyes to the Book of Revelation 12:11 (And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamp, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death). God assured me of your victory and testimony through the above scripture; don’t miss out-congratulation 


It is no longer news that, believers in Nigeria and the whole world are faced with intense persecution. In spite thespersecutionsthe Spirit of God encourages us to believe that, our Lord Jesus Christ is a Supreme God and His words must always accomplish that which it please Him (Isaiah 55:11).

Jesus in the Book of John 16:2 told us that: (They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that, he doeth God service).
It is on this background that, God inspired me to compose this musical track YESU-NE MAI TA’AZIYA” to be use in encouraging believers; who are passing through different kinds of persecution and to also unveil the need to persist on evangelizing the whole world in order to win more souls to the kingdom of t



Ha.le.le.le.le.le.le.le.halelujah eh 2x
Solo1: Everybody come and sing (Hallelujah). Everybody come and Dance (to Jehovah). No matter your condition by the time you praise Jehovah- (everything will be over Halleluiah amen).  
24 elder in Heaven are bowing down with their crowns (they are singing HalleluiahHalleluiah amen) 
All the Angels in Heaven (suna yabon Yesu)
They are singing Haleluyah to the king of kings 
Ha.le.le.le.le.le.le.le.halelujah eh 2x
Oh sing Haleluyah  (Hale) Ds
Somebody say Hale-(Hale)
Somebody say Lujah-(Lujah)

If God is for you (lai-lai no one can be against me)
Whether they kill cow (lai-lai no one can be against me)  
Native doctor chop the cow (lai-lai no one can be against me)
If they like they go Ocean (lai-lai no one can be against me)
If they like they climb mountain (lai-lai no one can be against me)  
If they like they share cola (lai-lai no one can be against me)  

Solo1: When God say yes concerning your case (is yes)
When He opens the door (no one can shut it)
We are serving the living God (I am that I am)
His Name is Jehovah Jireh (God the provider)
At the mention of His Name (every problem must give way) 
At the mention of His Name (every sickness must give way) 
At the mention of His Name (bareness must give way)
At the mention of His Name (demotion must give way) 
At the mention of His Name (stagnation must give way) 
At the mention of His Name (rising and falling must give way) 
Every trouble must give way in Jesus Name (Amen). 
Hale……Hallelujah eh…..2x halele2x halele..lele..lelelele

Everybody sing Halleluiah
Hallelu – hallelujah lets sing hallelujah, hallelu- hallelujahamen
All TogetherThe Name of the Lord is the strong tower the righteous runneth to it and is saved 6x
Lead Vocal: what a might powerful Name? And how do you called Him:
Solo-out:  Igala called Him Ojoh (Ojoodobagu, afu kiya fo, Ojo kuna re, Onu amo Onu)
                 Yoruba call Him Oluwa (Kabiyesioh, Olu gbala, Koso babire)
                Ibo call Him Chineke (Eze ndi’eze, Onyge Digagi Ochiriozuo, Onyge Digagi)
                 Idoma call Him Owoicho (Agabaidu Okaula, Obada bada, Okama Leya, Omangya mangya)
  Hausa call Him Ubangiji (Sarkin Sarakuna, Allahn alloli, Mai iko duka, gagara misali)
                 Tiv call Him Aondo (Uwese Baba, Tse chivi Te, Ter Yesu Himba, Te kuma yuwesi, Aondu Uhembanageh)
                Jukun call Him Shido (Shidoh Awo Bayi ku-ni, Ingi shoji, Ada Agabaidu).  


Chorus: Jehovah is the mighty God, He has done it again, He has done it for me and I know He will do it for you.

Solo1: Even if they have concluded in your case; that it shall never be well with you, don’t lose your focus. I say, just trust in the Lord. Who is he that saith a thing and it cometh to pass, when the lord commanded it not. The lord that has done it for me, I know He will do it for you

Chorus: Jehovah is the mighty God, He has done it again, He has done it for me and I know He will do it for you.

Solo2: He said those that trust in Him, shall be like mount Zion. It doesn’t matter what your problem “are”, All I know He will do it for you. The one who can do what no man can do. Covenant keeping God, He has done it for me and I know He will do it for you. 

Chorus: Jehovah is the mighty God, He has done it again, He has done it for me and I know He will do it for you.

Chorus Solo: (Lead) He has done
He has done
He has done it for me 
Trust in him, he will surely do for you

Chorus: Jehovah is the mighty God, He has done it again, He has done it for me and I know He will do it for you.



➢ Yesu-ne mai ta’aziya--shi zai share hawayenmu(2x)
Masubi……….. mudaina kuka (don) Yesu yannanan

1. Duk, boma bomai da-suke dasawa, Yesu- yana kallo,
Yake, yake, kasha, kasha kone, kone, Yesunmu- yana nan
Ai basufi karfinsaba, Dukan wannan cikin anabchine
Rana tana zuwa……… da zaya yi mana sakayya
Rana tana zuwa……… da zaya share mana hawaye 
Masubi……….. mudaina kuka (don) Yesu yannanan

➢ Yesu-ne mai ta’aziya--shi zai share hawayenmu(2x)
Masubi……….. mudaina kuka (don) Yesu yannanan

2. Sai mu karfafa junanmu, Mu sani muna-kwanaki na karshe 
Anabawan karya ko’ina, number 666 ako’ina
Ga mulki na tasar wa mulki rawrawar kasa ako’ina
Suna yankamu kamar ka-jinsu 
Hawayenmu na zu-bo-wa 
Masubi……….. mudaina kuka (don) Yesu yannanan

➢ Yesu-ne mai ta’aziya--shi zai share hawayenmu(2x)
Masubi……….. mudaina kuka (don) Yesu yannanan

Uba ka-karfafa bayinka domin su shaila bisharan ka (2x)

1) Mun gode Allah mun sami ceto, ceto daga zunubi.
Wadansu na can na mutuwa basu da larabarin ceton nan.
Yan’uwana me kayi dominsu don suma su sami cetonnan
Yar uwana me kinyi dominsu dan suma su
Sami cetonuan, (Allah gamu-gamu-muna ta rokonka 2X)

Uba ka-karfafa bayinka domin su shaila bisharan ka (2x)

2) Yake yake ko’ina tashin hankula a koina cikin kasarmu, har cikin ikilisiya- akwai tarzo-ma, Krista da krista ba zaman lafiya
matasa zina, mata gulma mazaje sai bin matanmutane (Allah gamu-gamu-muna ta rokonka 2X)

Uba ka-karfafa bayinka domin su shaila bisharan ka (2x)

3) Nigerian mu an bar bishara- an koma ana tayin siyasa, an manta da cewa Yessune baba- mai bada rai kuma mai karbewa, kazama shugaban kasa, gwamnane ko kansila baka’kai Yesuba, rama na zuwa da zamu durkusa mu lissafa abinda munyi 

Uba ka-karfafa bayinka domin su shaila bisharan ka (2x)


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