The title song is: YAYI MANI BY EZEKIEL AMWESE A. K .A THE CONNECTION. And this is the write up as follows: YAYI MANI ( He did it to me) Is a song full of worship to the Almighty God in terms of or …
For the second song that is saying sai godiya, sai godiya abinda yesu yayi mani sai godiya, the title song is: SAI GODI BY EZEKIEL AMWESE A. K. A THE CONNECTION. And the art work write up is as f…
Heal our land is an inspirational song by Luka Yusuf, crying out to God for healing to our Land. Download and be bless DOWNLOAD
"STOP THE KILLING'S" is an inspirational song, written and sang by a multi Awarded winning Artist named as Amos Tunku (Amos T.).the Artist who is an indigene of Kebbi state from zuru…
Genesis Asebe is a highly inspired female artist popularly known for her energetic melodious and Biblically incline ministration s . She was born to the family of late Mr. and Mrs. Ge…
" WUTA WUTA " by the incredible Naphtali Yakubu . A minister and great apostle of our time. I hear the sound of chariots marching array to battle. Like in a vision i see the saints of G…
(1 Peter 3:18).Christ did not suffer because He deserved it. He endured suffering for our benefit: to help fulfill God’s purpose for us.
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