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Music : Download Addicted by Linspraise

This is a song born out from the total feeling and affection drawn from my lovely partner. I have been in and out of love and has gone through hell when it comes to relationship, until i met her my (priceless), who is careful and intentional about me. I want to let the world know that true love really exist, love has been in existence from the beginning of creature and God urges us to replicate that same love to our partner and nebors as the Bible rightly said in 1 Thessalonians 4:9

But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.

  I want to believe when we are addicted to our partner with the help of God who is the author of love we will not do otherwise, please be intentional about love and most of all love God together, Let God be the lead.

1 John 4:8

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

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Verse 1

Did the sun come out or did u just smile at me. 


Cos' when i see the moon.

 it reminds me of you. Ooh baby

You put smile on my face anytime i call you.

You brighten up my day 

every time I see you.

I want you to know, my world is incomplete.

You're the best part of me.


Shey you know, am addicted to you

Obimooo am addicted to you.

From the very day i came across you,

You made see reason to love

Now am addicted to you.

Verse 2

If a star fell for Everytime i thought of you baby, the sky will be empty.

Can i get your picture to prove my friends, that you are the best, and that angels do exist.

Am in love with your smile.

In love with your beauty.

Your voice and your eye, they attract my attention. 

I want u to know my world is incomplete you're the best part of me.


Shey you know, am addicted to you

Obimooo am addicted to you.

From the very day i came across you,

You made see reason to love

Now am addicted to you.

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